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  2. Frequent Buyer, Consumer Returns & Coupon Redemption

Frequent Buyer, Consumer Returns & Coupon Redemption

We'll meet your coupon processing needs!

  • Email: rewards@petfoodexperts.com
  • Mailing Address: ATTN: REWARDS, PO BOX 8, Pawtucket, RI 02862
  • Clearly mark your package with your Store Name and account number
  • All Frequent Buyer and Coupons will be processed in the order they are received

Pet Food Experts has partnered with Astro Loyalty for all your frequent buyer and POS promotional needs. If you currently use Astro, reach out to info@astroloyalty.com or call 470-349-7806 to have your distributor preferences switched to Pet Food Experts. To see a full list of our participating vendors, please review the brand criteria guidelines.